शिक्षा – संस्कार – सेवा

If you want your child to do well in school then you yourself must develop a respect for learning.

1. Read school circulars, notes and remarks sent by teachers carefully in website ( or Almanac or email. It is mandatory for a student to carry Almanac to school.
2. Do spend quality time going through note books.
3. Encourage your ward to be careful about his / her belongings.
4. Encourage your child to take interest in academics, co-curricular activities and sports.
5. Communicate to the teacher any matter of concern with regard to the feedback you receive from the child, that may help the child gain confidence.
6. Any change in address, contact no., email id must be intimated in written to school office, VP / HM at the earliest.
7. Make sure the child returns the library books within stipulated time, failing which a fine of ` 10/- per day will be imposed and the library facility will be withdrawn. The book may be reissued after returning to the library. In case of loss or damage to book, cost of book at the present rate will be taken.
8. Taking leave during working days is strongly discouraged. Parents are responsible to make up for the loss of the studies in case of leave taken. The school will expect these students to be at par with the class in every way and that will have to be ensured by the parents.
9. Missing out on Unit Tests, Activity Based Evaluations, Half Yearly and Annual Examinations directly affect the promotion of the students to the next class at the end of the session. Thus your ward’s presence in all the Assessments places him / her on a safer pedestal and decides a better place in the class. Please take these Assessments seriously and avoid absenteeism for the betterment of your ward.
10. Read the School Almanac / Info book regularly as they carry all the details needed for the session, be it exam dates, PTM, Fees date / Amount and most importantly behaviour and academic pattern of your ward in school.
11. Turning up late to the school is undesirable. Please ensure that your ward reaches school on or before reporting time under all circumstances. Latecomers will not be entertained. Correspondence in this regard is discouraged.
12. (a) Students are expected to attend school in neat and well ironed, complete uniform and boys with short and decent hair cut. In case of non-compliance, they will not be allowed to attend classes and parents shall be called to take them home. Kindly ensure that the instructions are followed in all seriousness to avoid any inconvenience to your good self later.
(b) Students are expected to enter school campus only in school uniform and not in civil outfit even for purpose other than academic.
13. It is mandatory for the students using personal conveyance (Two Wheelers) to school to wear helmets and carry his / her driving license. They are only allowed to ride bikes as per the notification of Traffic Police Department. Safety and security of the child in such cases is the sole responsibility of the parents.
14. (a) It is wonderful to observe children distribute toffees on their birthday. Birthdays to be celebrated only through distribution of toffees to friends. (Cakes, pastries, cold drinks, chocolate bars, chewing gum and fancy gifts are not permitted.) Partying in the classroom or canteen is strictly prohibited.
(b) School does not take any responsibility of any party / celebration organised by parents / students to celebrate birthdays outside the school campus.
15. Encourage your ward to speak in English at home and provide him / her an ambience to improve spoken English.
16. Motivate your child to maintain a proper code of conduct. Any misbehaviour / indiscipline by any student / parent and damage to school property may lead to suspension for a minimum period of one week.
17. No sharp objects namely blade, knife, scissors, nail cutters, needle should be sent to school to ensure safety.
18. (a) Valuable articles like gold / diamond jewellery (chain, danglers, finger ring, ear ring, nose ring, bangles), facial make up like eye makeup, lipstick & bindi, henna / tattoo decorating on arms & feet, colouring of hair is strictly prohibited in the school. Only girls are allowed to wear one pair of ear studs. Application of Henna should be restricted to inner side of the palm and that too with prior permission.
(b) Electronic gadgets (mobiles, i-pod, play-stations, audio / video players, camera, smart watch, fitness tracker, recording pen camera, toys etc) are not permitted inside the school premises as per CBSE school rules. Expensive pen, pencil, pencil box are to be avoided. If found, the articles will be confiscated for six months. If such instances are repeated, then the child may be asked to leave the school.
(c) Possession and consumption of alcohol, cigarette, tobacco products and any other form of intoxicating / illegal substance is strictly prohibited and will invite expulsion from school.
19. In an initiative to conserve forest through the minimal use of paper, the school administration has decided to do away with printed circulars. Instead, the circulars will be put on the school website Please check the official website for the circular. Kindly go through the Almanac of your ward frequently as it facilitates communication between the parent and the school.
20. The use of polythene bags is prohibited in the school.
21. Use of whitener is strictly prohibited.
22. Non vegetarian food is prohibited in the school premises.
23. Courtesy is expected from the parents in all their dealing with the school authorities. Discourtesy / improper, violent, abusive and disrespectful behaviour and gesture with school staff by the student or parent will call for immediate expulsion.
24. Discussing school or ridiculing its functioning / policies on social media in strictly prohibited. Students are suggested to use social media as per parental guidance only. Any adverse remark by the parent / student on Whatsapp / Facebook / Instagram etc. about school / teacher / staff will call for expulsion from the school.
25. Indiscipline cases of the students will be dealt by the Discipline Committee of the school, which is final and binding on the students.
26. CBSE recommends a minimum of 220 working days in an academic session. If required, the school may function on holidays and / or Sundays to complete the syllabus / conduct examinations.
27. The school does not allow tuition / coaching by the JPS,Jaora teachers after the school hours. Do not approach / compel the teachers to do so.
28. Every child who leaves the school before usual dispersal time / not using school transport needs to get a Gate Pass issued to leave the campus. Children availing personal transport must get the Permanent Gate Pass issued from the school reception.
30. School doesn’t entertain any student reporting late without any valid reason and prior written permission.
31. Private vehicles are not allowed to enter the school campus owing to safety reasons of students. However parents invited to pick their ward on grounds of sickness are allowed to drive in (maximum speed 10 km/hr inside the campus.
32. The security may ask parents / visitors to produce identity proof at the gate..

35. If the required documents mentioned in the admission form are not submitted within 15 days of joining the school, the admission stands annulled and the seat will be forfeited and no claims to the seat can be made in future. School rules will be applicable for any refund.
36. Shouting or whistling is not allowed in or around the school building. Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
37. Throwing things outside the window, physically hurting anyone inside the classroom, in the corridor or outside the school, throwing any object at anyone is strictly forbidden.
38. Students need to take permission in writing, to carry a camera to photograph the school activity in or outside school.
39. Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner. Students must move in a single file and not crowd outside classrooms, in between classes. Bags are not to be carried from class to class.
40. Bursting crackers or splashing colours during Diwali / Holi or any other occasion in the school premises or in school buses is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance with these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
41. The school will not be responsible for any criminal activity inside / outside the school engaged in by the student.
42. Students will be expelled from the school by the recommendation of the disciplinary committee on following grounds:
a. Mental, moral, emotional and physical harassment of other students
b. Indiscipline
c. Delay / Repetitive failure in payment of fee
d. Absence without fee being paid
e. Unsatisfactory progress in academics
f. Non-adherence to school rules and regulations
g. Possession of prohibited items like liquor, drugs, firearms, mobiles, tabs, Bluetooth devices, illicit articles etc.